Our online tool helps you find rapid, cost-effective liquidity solutions for your alternative assets on a cybersecure platform.

Liquidity The Ben® Way: We’ve built a rapid, secure, online way for customers to exit alternative asset investments for cash, equity, or debt securities based on the customer’s individual liquidity needs.

Our online tool helps you find rapid, cost-effective liquidity solutions for your alternative assets on a cybersecure platform.

Features that Go Above and Beyond
AltLiquidity helps simplify the asset exchange process, so you can stay focused on what matters.

Rapid Timelines that Outpace the Industry
Exit solutions typically delivered to clients in as few as 30 days*.
User-Friendly Cybersecure Digital Platform
Transactions are completed entirely on our platform which has earned the AT&T NetBond® Certification for Cybersecurity and the SOC 2® Type I and Type 2 and SOC 3® independent auditor’s attestation.

Simplified Transaction Documents
Short, standardized, plain-English transaction documents that meet regulatory standards for being in the best interest of the customer.
Meeting Regulatory Standards
Our regulated business lines help to deliver a suite of products and services in an environment of safety, soundness and security. Our regulators include (1) the SEC, (2) FINRA, and (3) solely as it relates to Beneficient Fiduciary Financial, L.L.C., a subsidiary of Ben, acting as a regulated fiduciary under its TEFFI charter, the OSBC.**

Greater Access Now
Access the potential in your long-term alternative asset investments to help you reach your next milestone.
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* Actual client experience may vary.
** Pursuant to Kansas’ Technology-Enabled Fiduciary Financial Institutions (TEFFI) Act, which provides substantial investor protections for safety, soundness and security, which represents a legislative first in the alternatives industry.